Monday, December 16, 2013

Week 4: Peace & Bitterness - Day 22

Peace is another daunting task; a daunting perspective; a daunting commitment. It's a nice answer to the question of what we would most like to see more of in the world, but much more difficult to fully grasp, let alone live out, on a daily basis. Why is it that when we intentionally focus on sabbath, we have to face all of these things that do not have easy answers?*

Unfortunately, there are lots of things that get in the way of peace. There are lots of things that keep us from feeling or sharing peace with one another.  Of all the things, bitterness is most insidious. It is quiet and like a poison, it can spread to every corner of a moment with its stain. Bitterness bleeds to anger and anger bleeds to hatred.  Nothing takes away a peaceful moment like the bite of bitterness. That bite isn't always self inflicted, but can even be inflicted by a stranger standing in line beside you. 

When we live in a sabbath rhythm of life, we live in the potential for peace. A commitment to peace is a commitment to grace. It can shape our actions, the way we see others, and the way we connect to creation. We find peace in our care for and connection to nature, as well as in our worship. As our lives are embraced by peace, they overflow with gratitude. 

Let's begin this week with peace.

When you imagine peace, who is there? What is happening? Where are you, or where is peace found?

What can you do to begin and end your day in peace?


“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
 - Mother Theresa
Read her story, learn peace from her example. Or, find another person who dedicated their life to peace and learn from them. Who's your favorite peace maker? What's a story from their life that has inspired you to practice peace?

Yoga is something that brings me peace like nothing else. It invokes focus, strength, flexibility, and self awareness, among other gifts.  Yoga is flexible too. No matter your age or athletic ability, you can find a practice that works for you. I encourage everyone to take the risk and try it.

Visit: or watch embedded video on blog...

Go wherever you find peace.

Surround yourself with reminders... pictures, quotes, colors.

Practice each morning and evening with a meditation, coffee or tea, music, prayer, or whatever else works for you.

*Since this is the case, what happens when we stop giving intentional time to sabbath?... 

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