rainbows and bowties,I was very proud of it and thought it summed up everything about life. Period. Of course, I drew rainbows and bowties all over the page too. I remember begging my mom to read it and so she did, out loud, seemingly unimpressed. How does she not GET IT?! I wondered to myself. This song is EVERYTHING!!! (This is why Rainbow Brite will always be my favorite superhero because she obviously got it. If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch her mission statement here.)
rainbows and bowties,
i love rainbows,
i love bowties,
hearts hearts,
rainbows and bowties....
Of course, I survived. I've attempted writing music since, but honestly everything else has come up short. In one moment, I captured the essence of life as only a child could.
One of my dreams has been to write liturgy. I figure I'll get around to it some day. When I do, don't be surprised to see something about a rainbow in there.
So I write these little thoughts out today because this morning, during a break in the rain, I walked Lola. I was grumbling in my head a little about something obnoxious (blah blah blah, unecessary stress, blah blah blah) when I looked up and BAM. There it was - A full length, full color, rainbow. It wasn't the brightest rainbow, but it was solid. It was beautiful. I took a breath and reconnected, letting that grumble-grumble fall away. It has since begun raining again, but I'm okay with that. For a moment, a sabbath moment, I was reminded of something bigger and more beautiful than my stuff. Without the rain, we never get to see the rainbow. So I write this post in celebration of the much needed rain (drought! booo!) and in celebration of the unexpected surprises that stop us in our tracks (rainbows! yay!!!).
Where did you see a rainbow today? Or, what was your rainbow today?
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